Bismuth Germanium Oxide (also known as Bismuth Germanate) is an inorganic chemical compound with the chemical formula Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO). It is the most common oxide-based scintillator compound for detector applications. Vital Materials also produces Czochralski-grown crystals.

BGO is a colorless, transparent, non-deliquescent inorganic scintillator crystal. It is characterized with strong ability to block high-energy rays, and has high resolution. It is widely applied in the research fields of elementary particles, space physics, and high-energy physics.

Physical Properties
Density (g/cc) 7.13
Melting point (°C) 1050
Effective atomic number 74
Mohs hardness (Mohs) 5
Refractive index 215
Light output (To NaI[T1]) 22%
Decay time (ns) 300
Emission center wavelength (nm) 480
Radiation length (cm-1) 1.12